June 5, 2025 – How to Start Your Own Training Program Business – Virtual via Zoom


Start Date: 06/05/2025 9:00 am
End Date: 06/05/2025 3:00 pm
Location: Virtual Via Zoom

Only 15 Spots are Left

Are you interested in starting a training business? Do you want to learn the tricks of the trade from the experts in this area? Our instructor has successfully formed and managed top of the line entry level healthcare training programs for over a decade and is a leader in the industry in the area of training programs and will share their years of work with you. You will not be disappointed.
This one-day dynamic course designed for healthcare entrepreneurs who desire to start and manage a successful training program business. The course will focus on formulating a state approved training program. It will cover the following objectives:

Examine need for training programs.
List Ten steps to starting your own business.
Identify costs necessary to start.
Examine what supplies and other essentials are needed.
Review Policy & Procedure samples.
Identify effective marketing strategies.
Complete the Virginia Board of Nursing application process.

Time: 9 am to 3 pm

Instructor: Temika N. Younger, RN, MSN